I don't mean that in a narcissistic way, but I like wording it that way because it makes me think of that sarcastic cartoon character, Happy Bunny.
The theme for this year seems to be: it's up to me to do what's required in my classroom.
So, that doesn't exactly sound like a newsflash. (Could you at least cover your mouth when you yawn? Thanks.)
But what I think I'm learning this school year is: self-reliance. Don't wait for the counselors, or admin, or anyone else to come charging in and "fix" things. They do have valuable things to offer. But they are not always around to offer them.
Lion is one of the kids who helped me realize this. He's attention-hungry, and he tends to seek attention by poking other people with pencils, kicking them, etc. Not to mention that his anger management strategies are basically, "tell mom" and "count to 10."
So for quarter 2, I've decided to devote one lunchtime each week to meeting with him, one to one. We might just talk story for some sessions, but I'd like to read with him a book on anger management, or emotions in general. His parents are supportive, so I'd like to have him take the book back and forth so they can reinforce and discuss what he's learning.
I'd also like to designate one day each week to eat lunch with a small group of randomly selected students, just to build relationships.
I'll miss my quiet lunches, but I hope the sacrifice of time will pay off.
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