The clock was a poky but unoffensive 8 minutes slow when I left for break.
It is now 35 minutes slow. It does not add to the joy of my day to have kids constantly asking me, "what time is it?" and "when's lunch?" (Answer to question 1: time to do your work. Answer to question 2: noon. Not sure why they always ask when we have always eaten at 12!)
I have had the custodians come in several times to reset the clock. I even went so far last time as to suggest the battery be checked. No luck - the custodian came, fiddled with the hands, and left. And it always takes a while for the custodian to attend to our poky clock. (No complaints here -- we couldn't run the school without our custodians tending to all those much more urgent tasks).
However, with testing starting next week, we NEED a clock that tells time accurately. The plan? Either jump up on the table, take the clock off the wall, and try to replace the battery myself, or get a cheap clock at Longs or Wal-Mart that I can prop up in the front of the room.
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