Tuesday, February 16, 2010

law and order

Still wiped out from a fantastic but tiring weekend trip, so this is going to be short:
  • New-teacher revelation #452: Failure is hard work. But I'm taking my failures as opportunities to learn, and am grateful for all the support I'm getting.
  • Introduced new rules/consequences last week, and am hopeful. Our classroom is still evolving, but I noticed that the new consequences are easier for me and the students to understand. What's interesting is that the noise level is noticeably lower. The kids are still a bit raucous at times, especially after lunch, but I'm pleased with how things are going overall. While I've been passing out "think about it" sheets daily to the usual crew, I do notice that they are more focused and I think the new rules are helping everyone in the room.
  • I believe that as we near the end of quarter 3, my relationship with the students has only improved. Before, they were happy to have a substitute teacher. But I was out two times last week, a half day on Tuesday and all day on Thursday. I was in Thursday morning prepping, and several students asked if I would be coming back halfway through the day, or said they didn't like having a substitute. 
  • Started eating lunch with groups of 4 to 5 students on Wednesdays, and the students seem to be enjoying it. It's a good chance to just talk, and I think they enjoy the attention.
  • Ecstatic that my students are thoroughly enjoying "Blue Skin of the Sea." Two of them hunted down copies in the school library today and excitedly showed me their finds. Willow, who hasn't enjoyed reading much until now, borrowed my classroom copy and even offered to buy it from me!

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