It's just not New Year's without some traditional food. ...
It's a bit of a shock to realize that I'll be back in the classroom next week. Unfortunately, did not use my time as wisely as I wanted, but I figure all that extra sleep and lounging about was restorative and necessary.
Bubbles said to me on the last day of school, "I bet you're happy it's vacation because you won't have to yell at us all the time." Ha ha. So true.
It's also a bit of a shock to realize that half of the school year is gone. I've come to the hard realization that while I've made some good changes, and in some aspects the classroom has improved, it won't look like the "ideal" classroom I've envisioned. This is OK. (Or so I keep reassuring myself). I've got a lot to learn about lesson planning, classroom management, and the synergy between the two.
Here's to a New Year that brings more learning and positive change.